Saturday, March 19, 2011

Pot of goodies at the end of the rainbow

Our leprechauns' left us a pot of goodies at the end of the rainbow.   In the pot were candies, pens, notebook and stickers.  Everything was either green or gold.  Scattered next to the pot were gold coins and rolo candies.  To make the rainbow I used clear packing tape, stuck to the wall, and then I twisted crate paper and stuck it to the tape.  For the clouds I bunched up some paper towels and stuck them to the tape also.  Easy to make and very fun.   

Unfortunately, we were unable to catch a leprechaun, even with our clever trap. I found the idea for the trap here.  My daughter loved making this with me.  It was a lot of fun to see my 4 year old's reaction to all of this the morning of St. Patrick's Day.  It definitely made it worth all of the effort I put into this holiday.  

My last minute project was to make these t-shirts for my girls.  I think that they turned out pretty cute and I love that it only cost me a couple of bucks to buy the green fabric.  I just used white shirts that we already had and then just cut out clovers from the green fabric and stitched them on.  Super easy to do, I think I am going to make them shirts for Easter. :)    

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